Make Up File With The Experts! : Make Up 101 With Bina Khan!
Often times, we’re unsure about what make up products to use or how we should apply them. Sometimes we wonder…
Makeup File: Redah Misbah’s Step-by-Step MM Makeup Bridal Guide!
With a bridal season that runs year round and much more style choices than were available to our own Moms,…
Makeup File: Natasha Khalid Top-to-Toe Engagement Look Break Down!
Having given countless brides their dream look for their special day, the lovely and brilliant Natasha Khalid recently became a…
Makeup File: Team Masarrat Misbah in Turkey Revealing MM Makeup Goodies Coming up in 2016!
Masarrat Misbah Makeup lead artists and progeny of the makeup legend herself, Redah Misbah and Hafsah Haseeb talk about their recent…
Makeup File: Raana Khan Breaks Down 3 Essential Makeup Looks for 2016!
Makeup wizard Raana Khan has been in the biz for a while having ample work to show for both fashion…