In an effort to adjust and embrace the new normal, Nabila, one of the industry’s most decorated beautician had released a video showing her salon in a new light. Given the current situation, each member of Nabila’s team was kitted out with PPE suits and each of their products from scissors to combs were disinfected regularly as shown in these glimpses of their videos. From adjusting to the new normal to giving a proud message to those on the front line, Nabila shares all! Scroll down to check out more!

How long did it take your team to adjust to the new way of things being done?

*I think the biggest confusion this video has created is giving the perception the salon has opened, WHICH IS NOT THE CASE.
This video is creates 2 weeks ago, at my karachi salon location, using my reception staff, cleaning crew and a couple of stylists to put visuals to the SOPs we created. This would show the salon industry how it applies to the services rendered at the salon. Eg removing extra stations and creating distance between clients, working with protective layer, deep sanitising of tools and equipment etc… as tested on floor it is very doable and the stylists felt comfortable working in it. However with the increased investment needed in the extra cleaning and protective materials and decreased number of clients will leave the salons with a new challenge all together.

Would you consider the latest developments at Nabila to be part of the new normal?

*Of course!
You will see similar images as the salons slowly open up in USA, Japan, China and Europe.

Once the salon opens, what are some of the regular checks and balances the staff has to undergo?

Following SOPs are what we are suggesting. Having said that we are open to better ideas.
The trick is to empower the clients to know what to expect. Any malpractice should be reported , inspected and dealt with.

Besides upping your salon’s hygiene standards, are there any other goals you’re hoping to achieve in this time?

*This is a time for new innovations, an open mind and agility to adapt.
I hope to do all of the above.

What would you say to those who are on the front line?

*We have utmost respect, gratitude, respect and support for our frontline heroes.
Words are not enough to appreciate the strength and courage shown by them.