Yesterday marked another milestone for the upcoming film, Baaji, as their trailer was unveiled to the public. This film has been on everyone’s mind ever since their teaser release last month, and it’s safe to say, we’re completely riveted by the intensity and mystery that is promised from this film. Decorated names such as Amna Ilyas, Meera Jee and Osman Khalid Butt bring this film to life with each one in a distinct role.

The trailer opens with a somber note, as we are given a glimpse of Shameera (Meera Jee) downfall as an actor. We are then given a breath of fresh air as Neha (Amna Ilyas) gives Shameera the advise of keeping a confidante around who will support her. It then leads to the growth of both characters, which ultimately leads to drama when director Rohail Khan (Osman Khalid Butt) attempts to come in between their relationship by favoring Neha over Shameera. The rest is a mystery, which will be unveiled on the 28th of June! Scroll down to see the full trailer!