New designer on the block Mariyam D. Rizwan re-imagines the conventional fairytale princess with her latest luxury campaign starring the stunning Laila Ali Khan. Presenting a glamorous mix of ball gowns that are taking us back to cinderella and sleeping beauty days, each look is a magical one with its luxurious use of fabrics, dramatic drape and feminine trimmings. Nets, organza, embellishments and handwork make for an elegant choice that will surely make you feel like a princess. We are especially loving the styling of this photoshoot especially the headbands and retro hairstyles that represent the versatility of the ensembles. Having worked with some of the best names in the global fashion industry including the likes of H&M and Alexander McQueen, Mariyam Rizwan makes a strong first showcase of her own with this collection and campaign. Take a look below!
For details visit the Mariyam D Rizwan Profile on Facebook.